Friday, November 20, 2009

Protect the Environment...? Only if it's Free

For many years, the use of our natural resources in the Northwest has been opposed by many radical environmental groups. This opposition often comes in the form of frivolous lawsuits that use the justice system and agency procedures to deadlock any request for use.Any one who has spent any time in court understands that the underhanded tactics of these environmental agencies are very expensive to combat, running up millions in legal fees. So who pays for all of this? The answer...You do. As in you, the taxpayer. And not just the federal might just be paying for the environmental attorneys as well. About 30 years ago the Equal Access to Justice Act EAJA was established by Congress to allow low income individuals and business to stand up for themselves in court. It does so by footing the bill for attorney fees and other legal costs incurred by bringing these cases to court. Normally, a lobbying or interest group would be excluded from this act, but it does cover nonprofits. In other words, an environmental group with a multi-million dollar budget will qualify to get its legal fees paid for if it maintains its nonprofit status. And if that isn't ridiculous enough, the system actually disqualifies interested parties such as farmers or ranchers from recouping legal fees if they want to voice their interests in court. Because the environmental groups are suing the federal government, any other interested party is named a "friend of the court", not a plaintiff, and is ineligible to receive reimbursement.

This misuse of taxpayer funds should not continue. It is stifling the responsible use of our natural resources, and the agencies created to protect our national lands and resources have become the trough for money-hungry obstructionists. Recently, there have been some signs of hope with action taken by the western caucus to alert the Attorney General of the situation. This has come about mainly with the push provided by the Western Legacy Alliance, a legal defense fund based in Idaho. A link to their full article provided below.
A big thanks to the Western Legacy Alliance for getting this national attention.

For many years, the use of our natural resources in the Northwest has been opposed by many radical environmental groups. This opposition often comes in the form of frivolous lawsuits that use the justice system and agency procedures to deadlock any request for use.Any one who has spent any time in court understands that the underhanded tactics of these environmental agencies are very expensive to combat, running up millions in legal fees. So who pays for all of this? The answer...


Monday, November 9, 2009

Oath Keepers Paranoid?

posted a list of orders, that if given, they will not obey because they infringe on the Constitutional rights of the American people. The above video is Stewart Rhodes, the founder of Oath keepers, on NBC's Chris Matthew's Hardball. What do you think? Americans standing up for their Constitutional rights or right wing kooks. Personally I would like to think that I'm not too arrogant to assume it can't happen to me. Here is a quick video from hurricane Katrina, some of which was used in the Oath Keepers video,to illustrate my anyone else shocked!

I recently came across the organization known as Oath Keepers. This organization is made of military personel, law enforcement, firefighters, etc. that swore an oath to the Constitution of the United States. The mission statement on their website reads as such:

Oath Keepers is a non-partisan association of currently serving military, reserves, National Guard, veterans, Peace Officers, and Fire Fighters who will fulfill the Oath we swore, with the support of like minded citizens who take an Oath to stand with us, to support and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic, so help us God. Our Oath is to the Constitution

Our motto is "Not on our watch!"

Oath Keepers

The Oath Keepers have recently come under fire from several news organizations who say they are spreading paranoia and fear in the right wing of America. The organization has



Thursday, November 5, 2009

Cabella's Hometown Heroes

Cabella's will be giving employee discounts to those in the emergency services on Nov. 11th and 12th. If you fall into this group I would bring some sort of credentials and be ready for some sweet gear!
From Cabella's:
Wed. & Thurs., Nov. 11 & 12, Hometown Heroes

As our way of saying thank you, we are offering our employee discount to military personnel, veterans, law enforcement, firemen and women, and EMS only. This is our way of saying thank you to the brave men and women that serve their country; their community and their fellow Americans.
Store hours.
Location: Store wide, all Cabela's locations.

Cabella's Calendar


Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Trophy Room Pictures

Another shot of Dieterich's Montana Deer.

Alan Carlson: Idaho Elk

Alan's Manly Truck

Here is a start to the awaited trophy room!

Rick Dieterich's Deer, Montana

Click Read More to see more pictures...


Monday, October 26, 2009

Halloween Candy?

Need a dose of your Halloween classics? Hulu has put together a collection of clips and movies to slake your thirst!

Huluween Collection

Click "Read More" for a sample clip.